New Year, New Visions
Happy New Year!?
This is something we say this time of year, but it occurs to me that this is more of a question than a statement. Whether it will be happy or not will be significantly impacted by the energy that you bring to it.
Closing the chapter on a completed year is like putting a garden to bed for the winter. But sometimes, the dormancy can bring a sense of anxiety when we feel like we have to wait until it is time to plant something new. One season is behind us, but the next has yet to unfold. For many of us, this space of waiting can feel like an unending limbo, and the discomfort of sitting in that space can be challenging.
I am someone who loves to spontaneously agree to invitations, travel to meet new people, and have new experiences, so that limbo can be quite difficult for me. I have often felt as if I am in a hallway where all the doors behind me are closed, and none of the ones I can see have opened yet. This past year of closing chapters and doors has taken most of my time and emotional energy, but after those were closed, there was a time when all I could see were the doors that weren’t available for me to walk through yet. But I am learning to shift perspective while waiting for the universe to work with me and reveal what will come next. What if instead of lamenting a future we can’t yet see, we see that this limbo is the time and place where all things are possible?
This is the time to daydream, wander, be curious, talk to our higher selves, and ask what it is we would like to experience and receive. And once we have our answers or arrows pointing us in a direction, we can begin to manifest.
Manifesting is the state that comes after the limbo, after we have gotten our answers and arrows. It is the phase where we turn something from an idea, thought, or desire into a reality. Manifesting is an energetic pursuit that happens when we raise our vibration to access our innate powers of creation. It’s where we plug into the grid or matrix and emit our desires in a frequency that can be matched by the universe and brought to us. It does not require arduous labor, spreadsheets, or years of hard work. It is actually so simple that many people (who are used to the old 3-dimensional way of struggling to get a result) refuse to believe this is how things really work. They have no understanding or trust in the endless flow of magical energy that the universe conspires to bring to us.
Manifesting is not to be confused with simply wishing something to happen to us. It requires our participation and direction of energy so that we wind up with what/who/where we want instead of an unsuitable version of what we had in mind. There are a few tricks to this, but first and foremost is manifesting from a place of abundance instead of lack. Positive manifestations and outcomes happen in the higher vibrational frequency of abundance and love. Negative manifestations and outcomes occur in the lower vibrational frequency that is lacking.
In other words, if we desire something, it must be because it will enrich our lives, not to fill in a void we feel we are missing. If we live or think in the low vibratory energy of lack (“nothing good ever happens to me,” “there are no good men out there,” “I never get a good deal on anything,” etc.), then that is the same disappointing frequency that will keep being delivered to us. When we ask in the higher vibration of abundance and love, we are much more likely to be met with something that matches that higher vibrational frequency.
Second in importance is to be specific about what you want. The universe hears our every word and thought and is quite literal, so if we say we want a specific car, let's say, be sure to think of every detail from the color to the exact styling to the price you’d like to pay. Imagine driving it and having it parked in your driveway. When we are specific, we bypass all of the options we do not want (lack) and hone in on those we do (abundance). So if you want a Rolls Royce instead of a jalopy, be precise. If you want a prince instead of a frog, the same tactic applies. If you want a certain home, imagine every aspect of your life there. Some people use tools like vision boards, journals, or affirmations to gain clarity and put specific energy out there. However, simply clearing the clutter of the mind and meditating on a specific outcome works just as well.
Divine Timing
One of the last things I’ll share may seem like a contradiction and something I have found all too frustrating at times. Yes, we are asking the universe to deliver what we want, which may give us the illusion that we are in control, but ultimately, we are not. The universe has a say in this dynamic, too, and divine timing happens at a very different clock than we are used to. Sometimes, a stall, delay, or even a derailment of what we want to manifest can happen. We must understand that everything happens for a reason, and sometimes, not getting what we want is the best outcome. If we wish for a particular car and it doesn’t happen, we may find out there were serious recalls on that vehicle. If that specific prince doesn’t come, we may find out he wasn’t brave enough to be the partner we need, and someone else is coming who is a much better fit. And that house we dreamt of may be a money pit in disguise. Because we can’t see the future, asking for the option that serves our highest good and then giving up control of the outcome is where trust in the benevolence of the universe must come into play. Keeping a tight grip to control lowers the vibratory energy whether we like it or not.
Manifesting is how we unfold a day or a new year. It is what happens when we decide what will be planted in our garden or which doors we will open. It is working with energy to access the obediently waiting universe that wants our life experience to be one of abundance, joy, and happiness. It is the difference between a happy new year and a disappointing one.
Which would you like to manifest?
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